Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy birthday Papa!

It's my dad's birthday today, but too bad he's in Papua, so no celebration. We're not too big on birthdays anyway.

What did we do yesterday? I took a cab all the way to Pluit to see A. We then had lunch with his parents at May Star at Emporium Pluit. We ate a lot! Duck, dim sum, pork, shark's head or something (A's mom choice), I had a taste of it, and it was gross. hihihi. I thought the duck was good. We had a good time, and left the restaurant at 4.

Then we hung out at A's place, where he showed me his new love (some game on a computer), with whom he's been spending 10 hours a day with. We created a player with my physical features...I have to say A is so crazy about me that he still thinks of me when he's playing games hihi.

We left for Church at 5. We actually wanted to go to Gramedia at Matraman first to get stuff for my nephews, but the traffic was bad and we didn't want to be late for Church. Since we both slept late the night before, we were sort of half sleeping during the longer-than-usual-sermon (bad!).

On our way to my house at Cibubur, we stopped by the rest area and had Burger King. A's favorite is the angus burger. We talked a lot yesterday. Good day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

logistics logistics

ohhh Jakarta make our dating life so colorful.
We both live on opposite sides of town, and everytime we want to meet, we have to deal with logistics. Sometimes we have to revise and even cancel our plans at the last minute because of unbearable traffic. Good thing A is so patient.

Tonight is one of those nights. We've been emailing eachother 4 times to try to pick an area of where we should meet and the time. Sudirman? Bintaro? 7? 8? After we've decided, then we have to think about where to eat. A random restaurant in Bintaro? Hanamasa in Cibubur? Burger King? McDonald's? KFC? (we're a healthy couple)..

And of course each week we always run out of ideas of where to meet, eat, what to do. After a while it gets a little repetitive. So I have to come up with more exciting plans for our dates, or else A is going to be bored and abandon me for one of his video games.
I'll jot them down here before I forget.

trekking (after the rainy season)
wall climbing (after A's ankle is healed)
laser gun stuff at Kemang
pulau seribu (only when I get rid of my fat stomach)
Jakarta museums?
flying fox stuff
driving range
kebun raya Bogor
water park

get a list of interesting restaurants

Monday, February 21, 2011


Kita tuh sudah ke Bandung 2 kali ya di tahun 2010? Biasanya hanya Sabtu-Minggu saja karena cukup dekat dari Jakarta.

Tempat menginap:
  • Tempat menginap favorit kita di Novotel. Memang ga terlalu dekat dari toko-toko, tapi karena ada mobil, ya ga masalah lah. Kita sukanya karena kamarnya sangat nyaman dengan harga yg masuk akal (400-500 ribu per malam).
  • Kita juga pernah menginap di Sangria yg di Lembang. Pemandangannya bagus, tapi kamarnya agak tua, dan gue banyak bersin2 pas disana (gue agak alergi debu). Harga juga ga terlalu murah, sekitar 660 ribuan lewat agen.

Kalau masalah makanan, kita pernah coba:
  • Batagor Riri: menurut gue biasa saja, waktu itu sampai nyasar2 carinya kita, dan ternyata ada di sebelah outlet terkenal...apa tuhh namanya....oh iya Rumah Mode
  • Paskal Food Market: ini favoritnya A. Gue lupa dia sukanya apa saja makannya disini, yg pasti favorit kita adalah bola ubi! enak banget! Waktu itu tenggorokan kita lagi pada sakit berdua, tetap saja makan itu satu plastik.
  • The Kiosk Setiabudhi: gue cukup suka tempat ini karena banyak jenis makanan, dan harganya cukup murah. Waktu itu kita makan pempek, batagor, gorengan. Gue suka batagornya disini, tapi lupa namanya apa. Tempatnya dekat Rumah Mode juga kok.
  • The Peak: Kita makan disini pas ke arah pulang dari Sangria. Pemandangannya bagus, makanannya lumayan, tapi ga murah banget ya. Waktu itu kita ber-4 makan hampir 500 ribu.
Gue ga tau banyak tentang belanja di Bandung, bolak balik ke Rumah Mode terus.